How Naughty Popped the Queen's Cherry

My husband Tristan and I attended our very first Naughty N’awlins in 2018; we were 5 months into the lifestyle. We’d never even been to a lifestyle group meet & greet, house party, and certainly not a hotel takeover! We’d heard about Naughty N’awlins on some podcasts we were listening to as we were deciding if we wanted to give this “swinger thing” a try, and we decided the event sounded too good to miss!

We were terrified newbies. We read as much as we could find about Naughty N’awlins. We joined as many groups as we could find on the swinger “dating” sites, Facebook and Naughty Members, with people attending Naughty N’awlins. We listened to any podcast episodes we could find about the event. We were still scared, but we were ready!

Tristan and I consider Naughty N’awlins 2018 the foundation of our lifestyle journey. With so many unexpected twists, turns, screw-ups, successes, and experiences beyond our wildest imagination, Naughty N’awlins will always hold a special place in our hearts!

Fast forward to July 2023. We found ourselves in an entirely different world as we rolled into New Orleans this year! Now seasoned lifestylers, we have a podcast that allows us to share our crazy lifestyle adventures. (Listen to our stories from Naughty N’awlins 2018 on episodes 8, 9, and 10 of our Accidental Swingers podcast.) We met another couple (at Naughty N’awlins 2019 - read more of our story here), fell in love, and became an open, ethically non-monogamous, swinging polyamorous foursome. The four of us created Swinky Life and began a passion project to inform, educate, and help destigmatize alternative love and lifestyles. And, at the beginning of 2023, I was honored to become the next Naughty Headmistress - responsible for the educational component of Naughty Events.

We knew we were going to have a wonderful event this year! We taught Swinky Life workshops and attended other workshops! We went to bar takeovers and the foam party (always a favorite!), played in the playrooms and the dungeon, saw so many old friends, and made so many new ones! Yet we had no idea what lay ahead. At the Mardi Gras Ball on Saturday night, Tristan, Phoenix, Crimson, and I were the first polyamorous foursome to be crowned the King and Queen AND King and Queen of Naughty! You could never have told us four years ago that our collective passion to live, educate, and share with the world the choice of our authentic lives in the open and to help encourage and support all people to live their lives on their terms would have led to us being given such an honor!

An honor the four of us take very seriously! We have great plans to spend the year of “our reign,” wearing our crowns all over the country as we live and travel, spreading the message of ethical non-monogamy and alternative relationships. I’ll report back here throughout the year and share all our fun and shenanigans as we embark on our time as the Kings and Queens of Naughty N’awlins!


Unpacking and Repacking


A reflection from Burning Man